我真的對 Duke 沒有偏見,不過申請過程當中這間學校是讓人很摸不著頭腦的一間。事情是這樣的:

我在 R1 申請,接著被要求在美國的申請人都一定要去校園面試,題目難到頭皮發麻就算了,而且很準時的在 2006 年底把我給拒掉。到了 2007 年一月又收到學校的廣告信,讓我申請 R2,三月的時候,又收到廣告信讓我申請 R3。學校這麼愛我,我當然感到非常榮幸,不過先把我拒了再來廣告,不覺得有那麼一點詭異嗎?

被拒之後,學校發了封 E-mail 說想要 feedback 的人請等到五月再來,時間過這麼久了我早就忘記,還好 Duke 的廣告系統真的很優,今天收到 Duke 寄來的一封 E-mail,上面主要是說明被拒絕的申請人,如果願意明年申請的話,校方會提供一些 application 上的 Feedback,因為我不打算明年再申請一次,所以這封信看看就好,今年申請 Duke 想要 run 一次這個 process的 人可以參考看看。


Dear 唐吵,

Each summer, The Duke MBA offers a limited number of feedback appointments to applicants who were not offered admission to the MBA program. If you are planning to reapply to Fuqua next year and would like feedback on your application, you may call the Admissions Office at 919.660.7705 on Tuesday, June 5th, Wednesday, June 6th or Thursday, June 7th between the hours of 8:30 am and 5:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) to schedule a feedback appointment with a member of our Admissions Committee. These feedback appointments will be offered on the following dates this summer: June 11-13, June 19-21, July 10,12,17 and July 23-27 between 9:00 am and 4:40 pm EDT.

Due to the volume of feedback requests, and the limited number of appointments available, we ask that if you plan to schedule a feedback appointment, that you note the following:

  1. Feedback appointments are exclusively for applicants who plan to reapply next year.

  2. These appointments will last between 5 - 15 minutes and are conducted over the phone.

  3. You will be responsible for calling the office a minute or two prior to your scheduled appointment. We recommend you use this link to ensure you are calling at your scheduled time (US Eastern Daylight Time): http://www.worldtimeserver.com/
  4. We ask you to understand that we will not be able to accommodate any requests to reschedule once an appointment is made.

  5. Please provide your full name as it appears on your application and your date of birth when scheduling your appointment.
Kind regards,

The Duke MBA
Office of Admissions 

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